Case Study

Case Study

Case Study

South Coast Mortgage & Investments

Gene Dorn, President/Owner/Broker of South Coast Mortgage &Investments had been using a competing product for over ten years when his C.P.A. advised him to contact us.

"Just wanted you to know, that after using your software for 1½ months now, I do think that it was well worth the purchase price. I get sick just thinking of how I suffered for the last ten plus years with the dos-based software that I was using. Why didn't you guys find me before I found you?" --- Mr. Gene Dorn

Mr. Dorn was even more pleased when he discovered how easily The Mortgage Office handles trust account reconciliation.

"I just wanted you to know how much I enjoy using your software. It took me around two minutes to balance both my trust accounts, and of course they were both perfect with no adjustments, that's right, none! .... As I've mentioned a few times before, with the old software, I never, let me repeat, never, balanced. Remember, I had your competitor’s software and used it every day for over ten years. That's approximately 120 month-end reconciliations at an average of one to one and one half hours each month to balance the accounts. Your system saves me a lot of valuable time." ---Mr. Gene Dorn

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