Oakland County Michigan

For several years, The County of Oakland used an outside service bureau to service their 4000 plus loan portfolio, consisting mostly of redevelopment loans made to individual homeowners.

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The Mortgage Office™ Generates Additional Funds for The Beedie Group (Vancouver, BC)

Realizing the untapped potential of the company’s position, Jim convinced the board to purchase The Mortgage Office™ – all within DAYS of his start date. Jim states, “[The Mortgage Office™] has facilitated the expansion of the company – allowing us to generate revenue from a different source.” The Beedie Group now has a healthy loan portfolio yielding great returns, in addition to doing what it does best – land development.

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Integrated Financial Associates Finds Stability with The Mortgage Office™

"The Mortgage Office™ allowed for the expansion of the company. Volume doubled, the investor-base grew tremendously, and the number of loans went through the roof." He adds "Sometimes we have 100 – 500 investors on the same loan. We needed the software to be accurate and bullet proof – and it is." Not to mention that his accountant and auditor are much happier now, as it’s easier to extract reports and prevents them from having to do math. "They swear by it." Integrated Financial Associates has achieved incredible gains from their new software relationship and is looking forward to many more prosperous years using The Mortgage Office™.

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Utah Mortgage Center Saves Time with The Mortgage Office™.

The Mortgage Office™ makes it cheaper to operate – the system is more of a sales tool as I can give presentations to buy Trust Deeds with a professional looking report – and it gives the lenders confidence. The system also takes the place of many others as it tracks our insurance, collections, all correspondence, etc. It’s just wonderful. I really couldn’t have anticipated the time savings The Mortgage Office™ has given me. I just wish I’d bought it sooner.

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The Mortgage Office™ Allows Brownstone Mortgage Capital to Operate as Simply as Possible

When asked why he chose The Mortgage Office™, Alex simply replied, "It’s easy and simple. The Mortgage Office™ allows me to be lazy without having to compromise efficiency." And what does he want to pass on to others? "The Mortgage Office™ is the best damn software. Period."

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Millennium Interests Ltd.

Millennium Interests Ltd. is a real estate development company that specializes in purchasing, subdividing and selling raw land. They offer financing packages to most of their buyers. This has resulted in a servicing portfolio of over $25,000,000 dollars.

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LA Neighborhood Housing Services

LA Neighborhood Housing makes loans to low and moderate-income first time homebuyers in Los Angeles. These borrowers cannot qualify for conventional financing. Housing prices in the LA area are very high. Many teachers, firefighters and police department personnel qualify for theses loans so they can live in the area where they work.

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The Baltimore Life Insurance Companies

Since their founding in 1882, the Baltimore Life Companies have provided reliable and affordable life insurance coverage for six generations of policy owners.

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South Coast Mortgage & Investments

Gene Dorn, President of South Coast Mortgage & Investments had been using a competing product for over ten years when his C.P.A. advised him to contact us.

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The Mortgage Exchange Financial Services

The Mortgage Exchange arranges loans on commercial and residential properties and funds these loans with private lender funds. They also service contracts for individuals who created a seller-carryback loan when selling real estate.

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Baptist Foundation of California

The California Baptist Foundation is a non-profit organization. Before purchasing The Mortgage Office they used a custom software application that was limited in its functions and was not Windows compatible.

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California Department of Waste Management

The California Department of Waste Management needed software to efficiently manage the grants issued to small businesses who face the expense of hazardous waste cleanup.

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