Set up the changing loan terms once, and then forget about it

Unlimited number of rate/payment changes per loan

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Automatically change interest rates on specific dates

It remembers, so you don't have to

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Set up multiple payment changes

Add flexibility to your offerings

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Graduated Terms Mortgage Software

Service multiple types of step loans. Schedule loan term changes. Automate notifications.


Service any type of step rate loans: GPM, GTM, GPARM, deferred principle pay downs and more!

Completely automate servicing and reporting requirements

Schedule loan changes years In advance

Maintain full itemization of rate and payment changes

Generate all notices instantly and automatically

Handle loans with default rate interest parameters and conditions

The automated notices generated by the Graduated Terms Mortgage module makes it easy to comply with state and federal regulations regarding timely notices to borrowers on interest rate, payment and loan term changes. This powerful mortgage software module also provides you with robust management reports to help you get a birds-eye view of day-to-day loan servicing tasks.

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