Year end tax filing
Year end tax filing
The Mortgage Office Video Presentation
Top 10
The Mortgage Office Top 10
Loan Servicing 101
Pitbull Conference 2011
"It’s been a huge time saver"
Jeromy Salvenson, Juniper Loan Servicing Corp.
"Allowed us to compete with much larger companies"
Yitz Levinson, Hillmount Capital Inc.
"It’s so easy for us
to raise capital now"

Michael Hoffman, Longhorn III Investments
"It has helped us stay compliant since 1982"
Richard Temme, R.C. Temme Corporation
"Our portfolio has doubled every three months"
Barry Harari, Superior Loan Services
"Allows us to compete
with the big boys"

Ken Carmona, Lantern Financial Corporation
"It gives us a professional appearance"
Michelle Anhang, Hillmount Capital, Inc.
"We were up and running very quickly"
Valerie Powell, Housing Authority of the Choctaw
"It handles the most complex loans with ease"
Dale Koeller, Calvert Home Mortgage
"We now process payments in 10 seconds instead of 2 hours"
Don Knox, Interface Investment Group, Inc.
"We used to outsource"
Bonnie Eason, Oakland County Community Development Department