Case Study

Case Study

Case Study

LA Neighborhood Housing Services

LA Neighborhood Housing makes loans to low and moderate-income first time homebuyers in Los Angeles. These borrowers cannot qualify for conventional financing. Housing prices in the LA area are very high. Many teachers, firefighters and police department personnel qualify for theses loans so they can live in the area where they work.

LA Neighborhood Housing,, was using an old DOS based system, which caused a myriad of escalating problems. After conducting a thorough search and evaluation of many products, they decided on The Mortgage Office.

David Pierson, the head of the loan-servicing department listed the following reason why LA Neighborhood Housing Services chose The Mortgage Office Software.

  • Great customer support
  • Robust underlying programming
  • Ease of payment processing
  • Efficient as far as saving time and manpower
  • Allows for unlimited growth without changing software
  • Software updated so it is always current
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