Case Study

Case Study

Case Study

The Mortgage Office™ Generates Additional Funds for The Beedie Group (Vancouver, BC)

December 15, 2006

Can one man change two companies for the better using one simple tool? Jim Bogusz did. A few years ago, Jim worked for one of the biggest private money lenders in Vancouver, BC. He was hired to automate and streamline their operations, improve investor relations, and increase the volume of loans originated and serviced.

The task was a grueling one, and over many months he evaluated over a dozen software solutions, sat through hundreds of hours of demonstrations, and even flew to meet some of the vendors in person. His search ended with The Mortgage Office™. Soon after going live, he sent the ABS staff the following email:


I have to tell you. We converted Nov 1 and things went smoothly (better than expected). We are pleased with the accuracy and speed in which we can process transactions.

The real bonus came today at lunch. I had a meeting with one of our largest (and most sophisticated) lenders and soon the discussion turned to trust. He was a critic of our old way of doing things, trying to manage dozens of spreadsheets and never being able to get him good, timely information on how his millions were performing. I pulled out a statement for his account and presented it to him.

Shock and awe!

I walked him through it, showing his individual positions, the balance in his trust accounts and most importantly his go forward yields. Furthermore I made it known to him that this was available on the push of a button.

He was impressed and is going to free up more funds to invest in us.

Mission accomplished. On one client our investment in the system pretty much paid for itself.

Thanks again,

J.K. (Jim) Bogusz, CA
Chief Financial Officer

In 2005, Jim joined The Beedie Group as their CFO. The Beedie Group was quite different from his previous place of employment and dealt very little with loans and investments. Instead, the company’s primary focus was property management and land development, in particular, the design, construction and management of industrial buildings in Greater Vancouver. All of the firm’s important information was kept on spreadsheets.

Realizing the untapped potential of the company’s position, Jim convinced the board to purchase The Mortgage Office™ – all within DAYS of his start date. Jim states, “[The Mortgage Office™] has facilitated the expansion of the company – allowing us to generate revenue from a different source.” The Beedie Group now has a healthy loan portfolio yielding great returns, in addition to doing what it does best – land development.

For more information on The Beedie Group contact Jim Bogusz, CFO or visit The Beedie Group website at

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