Case Study

Case Study

Case Study

Integrated Financial Associates Finds Stability with The Mortgage Office™

December 15, 2006

When a company decides to purchase software in this industry, the selection process becomes very much like searching for a long term relationship. Most companies want something that is 100% compatible with their procedures, will grow with them, and has the stability they need for day to day operation. Some opt for custom programming because of the appeal of being able to build it to suit their exact needs. Tom Lea, President of Integrated Financial Associates, initially decided to implement a custom program.

Tom found a company that had the resources and time available to build his program. "The process went on and on," says Tom, "they changed the back-end programming in the middle." In addition, the entire process took about ten to eleven months until a usable product manifested.

Over the next few years, the program’s many faults became apparent and Integrated Financial Associates realized that they could no longer continue the relationship with the software company. "[The system] started to corrupt and deteriorate," Tom explained, "And eventually they weren’t able to support our system - they moved onto the next project." Tom also realized that their current software could not easily scale with the company’s growth. Lastly, it did not even provide such basic features like reporting and security.

Integrated Financial Associates came to Applied Business Software, Inc. because they needed help. Tom recalled, "We came to you as we had heard that your software was user-friendly and that you had been in this business for many years. All of that was important to us. If the system is powerful, but the staff can’t figure it out, what good is it...and why pay for a product that doesn’t have assistance?"

"The Mortgage Office™ allowed for the expansion of the company. Volume doubled, the investor-base grew tremendously, and the number of loans went through the roof." He adds "Sometimes we have 100 – 500 investors on the same loan. We needed the software to be accurate and bullet proof – and it is." Not to mention that his accountant and auditor are much happier now, as it’s easier to extract reports and prevents them from having to do math. "They swear by it." Integrated Financial Associates has achieved incredible gains from their new software relationship and is looking forward to many more prosperous years using The Mortgage Office™.

For more information on Integrated Financial Associates:
Tom Lea, President
Tel: (702) 257-0021

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