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Applied Business Software, Inc. Announces Release of Version 2.1 of Top-rated, Industry-leading Software Suite, The Mortgage Office™

Published: 3/13/2014

LONG BEACH, Calif., March 13, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Version 2.1 of The Mortgage Office, the premier loan servicing and mortgage pool software, has the same look and feel of previous iterations, but the program architecture has been fully rewritten. Applied Business Software, Inc. pulled no punches during the update to TMO 2.1; the company added many new features while updating existing ones, all with the goal of an improved user experience and greater versatility. Learn more about the impressive functionality of TMO 2.1 at

“Always striving to provide our customers with the best product available in the industry, ABS embarked upon the monumental task of rewriting the product more than a year ago. Thousands of programming hours later, The Mortgage Office 2.1 is ready for release,” commented Jerry Delgado, CEO of Applied Business Software.

Since 1978, The Mortgage Office has been a versatile solution for brokers, private lenders, fund administrators, nonprofit organizations and municipalities. In short, anyone who deals with any aspect of mortgage loans can benefit from the software’s powerful feature set. Comprised of functionally oriented modules, users can adapt the software to suit their specific needs. TMO 2.1 maintains a consistent and familiar user interface across modules, while the technology powering everything is completely state of the art.

With version 2.1, the Collateralized Mortgage Obligation module received a full overhaul, including several robust new features. These include holder smartviews and custom fields, auto-attachment of holder statements, and business contact lists. The module now allows for evaluation of loan portfolios, a feature also found in the associated Shares Owned and Capital Invested modules. To help customers strengthen their brand recognition, company logos can now be printed on all account statements.

TMO 2.1 includes a new spellcheck feature for notes, along with a redesigned print preview interface. For instance, page thumbnails allow for quick navigation through lengthy documents, while a much-improved “find” feature makes it simple to locate specific text. Document scanning has been similarly redesigned. Again, efficiency and versatility are the objectives: the new scanning options include duplex scanning, color and black and white scanning to all major image formats, document consolidation, image rotation, and the ability to make changes prior to saving. TMO 2.1 also adds a new grid filter tool that enables quick sorting of records across multiple columns.

Customers have consistently praised The Mortgage Office loan servicing software, both for its versatility and scalability. Efficiently managing a few loans or a few thousand is made easy with the software’s smartviews and rapid, accurate reporting. Plus, the web publishing feature of The Mortgage Office enables borrowers and investors to log in and maintain their accounts, providing an end-to-end solution for the mortgage industry.

ABS figures to build on a sterling reputation for excellence with its latest software iteration. In addition to the bevy of new features and functions, customers will note an overall performance improvement with TMO 2.1.

About Applied Business Software, Inc.

Applied Business Software, Inc. (ABS) melds 30+ years of system design, product development, customer service and technical support into the industry’s most comprehensive and user-friendly loan software on the market. Our carefully designed systems and developed solutions serve companies of any size equally well, from large lending institutions to small independent offices.

Eddy Delgado
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